Who is “the angel who has redeemed me”? Is it the same angel with whom Jacob wrestled, before earning the name Israel? Did he miss or remember him? How will the angel bless the boys from all evil? And why the Divine Presence does not allow Israel to foresee the future of his loved ones? […]
At the beginning of the parasha Moses tells the nation how God refused to hear him. Later he will ask them to hear and listen to him, he will repeat the Ten Commandments to them and remind the people in front of him how their hearts did not have enough faith and love to hear and listen to God. Their disbelief, causing him to be a mediator before God for forty years in the desert, exhausted him. […]
Spies or messengers? Full of promise or impending disaster? In this week’s parasha, BINA guest writer Ran Oron explores the story of those sent ahead to gather information on the promised land. How do we understand the message of their story in their time and in ours? […]
My parents’ house in Omer. Every Shabbat evening my grandmother would light Shabbat candles on the tea cart that stood between the kitchen and the dining room. Perfumed. Her white hair combed back. She brought her palms together, covered her face. Closed her eyes and blessed. The house became silent. Listened. […]
Parashat Shmini is named after the day on which the dedication of the Tabernacle reached its climax. After a week of precise and detailed preparations, Aaron and his sons bring the divine presence into the Tabernacle. At that height of the moment, a great tragedy occurs. The young priests Nadab and Abihu, the two chosen sons of Aaron the priest, sin in forbidden work and disobey the laws of the sacred service. They are punished for their actions and die. […]
“Torah shows us that the truth, both the divine and ours, is found in our faith in the power of the connection of opposites.” This week’s parashah explores the power in the connection of opposites. Ran Oron, reminds us that “In these days of turmoil in our hearts we must insist on the power of connection.” […]
What a series of intense, wild events! Every time that you think things are calming down and you’ll have … […]
Ayala Deckel, Head of the BINA Secular Yeshiva, reflects on In this week’s portion, Yitro, we reach a dramatic moment in our formation as a people: receiving the Ten Commandments – the value base of our nation, our moral compass… […]
BINA contributor and supporter, Ran Oron, discusses what we can learn about leadership from Miriam during the exodus of Israelites from Egypt in this week’s Torah portion. […]
What can we learn from the story of Pharaoh and the hardening of his heart in our day and time? Read more in this week’s edition of BINA’s commentary on the weekly Torah portion, this time by BINA educator Elliot Vaisrub Glassenberg on Parashat Vaera >>> […]
Ayala Deckel, Head of the BINA Secular Yeshiva, reflects on the connections between this week’s Torah portion – Parashat Shemot (which literally means “Names”), and the names and stories of the the fallen and the captives in the Israel-Gaza war. Click to read this week’s edition of BINA’s commentary on the weekly Torah Portion >>> […]
In this week’s edition of BINA’s commentary on Parashat Hashavua (the weekly Torah portion), Nir Braudo, Executive Director of BINA, explores what we can learn from the Joseph story as we dream and work for the release of those held captive in Gaza. Shabbat Shalom. […]
What exactly do we mean by “prevail”? Over who or what exactly will we prevail? What would that look like? How will we know that we have indeed “prevailed”? When will we know? And is war even something in which anyone can truly “prevail” or “win” or “be victorious”? How does this relate to Parashat Vayishlach? […]
I feel a little bit like Jacob right now. I’m turning to the heavens and requesting from his holiness or God or karma to prove itself. Come and show yourself to me. Come and prove that you are on our side. Send me signals that the good will overcome the evil, the conniving, the conspiracies, and the hardnesses of the heart. […]
Parashat Toldot, presents a painful model of togetherness – “together we will prevail” is the togetherness of difference. Of those who recognize and give space to the differences among them and yet still are able to come together for common goals. […]