Celebrating Pesach in Israel | GAP Mechina
Ronnie Shashoua, a participant on the BINA GAP Mechina year, about celebrating Pesach in a new way. […]
Ronnie Shashoua, a participant on the BINA GAP Mechina year, about celebrating Pesach in a new way. […]
In light of International Social Justice day early this week, Talia Zamir – one of our BINA Gap Participants reflected on the meaning of Social Justice in the context and Judaism and how it plays out in her time here in Israel. […]
At BINA Gap Year, we hope to share a variety of views and narratives surrounding the difficult and complicated things that go on here. Nicole Khaimson reflected on this trip in her latest blog saying: “As a Jew coming to Israel for a gap year, learning about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was really important to me”. […]
At BINA Gap Year, we hope to share a variety of views and narratives surrounding the difficult and complicated things that go on here. Nicole Khaimson reflected on this trip in her latest blog saying: “As a Jew coming to Israel for a gap year, learning about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was really important to me”. […]
I’m driving to school on a December morning, thinking about the Chanukah party I attended the night before, and decide […]
When I lived in Israel for my gap year, one of the biggest shocks I encountered was how differently Israeli […]
In the summer of 2018, over 81,000 kids attended Jewish sleep-away camps in North America. Why are so many kids […]
Shabbat has always been a point of contention for hiloni (secular/cultural) Jews in Israel. The buses don’t run, most stores are closed, and restaurants that are open are few and far in between. If you’re not observant, Shabbat in Israel can feel like a major inconvenience. […]
Furthermore, identifying with a specific sect of Judaism can feel limiting to all of the nuances that come with connecting to religion and being religious. Furthermore, what if none of the Jewish labels fit? It can make you feel lost and unsure of where you fit into Judaism. […]
I want to talk about the reality of Jewish guilt, specifically the way it relates to self-expression. Jewish guilt is […]
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